covid info:
Ministry responsible for sports: Health decision of 03/04/2021 (Excerpt)
Sporting activity, considered a necessity for everyone's physical and mental well-being, is preserved. Also individual sports practice remains possible outdoors both in public spaces and in outdoor sports facilities, without time limit but within a radius of 10 kilometers around your home, in compliance with the curfew (from 6 a.m. at 7 p.m.) and provided with proof of residence.
For the sports practice of minors
Considering that physical and sporting activity is essential for our youth and anxious to provide families with solutions to take care of children in the open air, in an organized, supervised and secure manner during this period marked by school holidays, the government has authorized outdoor practice only and with respect for distancing, whether it takes place in public spaces or in outdoor sports equipment. However, the curfew (throughout France) and the 10 km limit around the home must be respected.
For the sports practice of adults
Sports practice remains possible in the public space as in outdoor sports equipment in respect of the distance but without limitation of duration. However, it is limited to a radius of 10 kilometers around the home and subject to curfew.
The stand Up paddle being considered as an outdoor activity it can be framed according to the following rules:
- Respect for distancing.
- Within a radius of 10 km around your home. (proof of address)
- Respecting the curfew. (6 a.m. to 7 p.m.)
On the other hand:
-Without time limit.
-Without limitation of the number of people supervised other than that indicated by the prerogatives of the practice. (12 people)
Health protocol:
- Hydroalcoholic gel is available upon your arrival.
- We wear a mask at the reception. It can be used at any other time if necessary.
- Except in case of emergency we do not come into physical contact with the practitioners.
- After each use, we disinfect the paddles.
- Daily, we clean the slippers and wetsuits.
- We ask to respect a distance of 2 m between people on land and on the water, except for people living under the same roof.