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The silent journey
" Stand Up Paddle is a new way of seeing the world,
to communicate with nature"
Discover the tranquility of the marshes, on a walk or during a Paddle/Yoga session.

Who are we ?
Salicorne, is an itinerant school, which offers original Stand Up Paddle rides in the marshes.
Julien and Francis Capmas, your guides, are state certified and nature guides.

The Stand Up Paddle:
On a calm body of water, learn in the blink of an eye and let yourself slide to enjoy the scenery.

For who ?
beginner friends,in the swamps, nothing could be easier to discover the activity.
For the more athletics in the program Festive games and guaranteed swimming!
Public: occasional sportsmen from 3 to 80 years old!

Places of practice:
Swamps of St Pierre and St Georges, are NATURA 2000 protected sites.

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